
Showing posts from July, 2019

6 Crucial Plumbing Facts That Could Make or Break Your Bathroom Remodel

Planning to remodel your bathroom into the oasis of your dreams? Then you'd better get a handle on your plumbing. Even if you don't see the pipes connected to your sink or shower, understanding how they work is essential if you want your bathroom renovation to turn out all right (and within budget). That's why, in the latest instalment of our "Dream Bathroom Remodelling Guide," we break down everything you need to know about plumbing into bite-size pieces. Read on for some surprises! 1. Bathroom remodel 101: Types of pipes In the past, most bathroom plumbing pipes were made of cast iron or galvanized metal. However, these pipes won't work with many of the new-fangled, water-saving setups like, say, low-flow toilets. Low-flow toilets will save about 17,000 gallons of water yearly. (Note: Flushing a standard toilet uses about 38% of an average household’s water.) The catch is, they require PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or PEX (cross-linked polyethylene)...